High season: May to October
1 month - 40,000 €
2 weeks - 20,000 €
1 week - 10,000 €
1day - 2,500 €
Off-season: November to April
1 month - 24,000 €
2 weeks - 16,000 €
1 week - 8,000 €
1day - 1,500 €
Equivalent crypto / fiat money
Opening fee (500 €) not included
Gallery management policy
Gallery : Wednesday to Saturday 14h-20h
Opening Party time : 19h~22h
Exhibition installation period:
Available from one day before the official exhibition date.
*Our gallery does not rent screens.
*It is impossible to move or change the screen position.
*Physical works can only be hung in the underground 'physical zone'.(Refer to the map below)*
Invoice info
SAS Galerie IHAM 46 BD Henri IV 75004 Paris, France. 879 957 140 RCS PARIS / Founder : Bang Chan Chic / Contact : +33 9 51 48 40 12 / info@galerieiham.com | ihamnft@gmail.com
Twitter: @ihamnft / Instagram : @ihamnft / https://www.ihamnft.com / NFT Conference Exhibition Curation Contact - ihamnft@gmail.com